Renowned filmmaker Anurag Kashyap has sparked curiosity among his followers with a cryptic message shared on his Instagram handle on Thursday, May 30. The post, which has since garnered significant attention, read: “Iss duniya mein accha banke ghanta kuch milne wala hai. Now, if I have to be a bad guy, so be it. (Trying to be good in this world gets you nothing. Now, if I have to be the bad guy, so be it.)”

The enigmatic message left many fans and followers on the platform speculating about its meaning. The comments section overflowed with a mix of concern and amusement. One user remarked, “Anurag Kashyap’s mood swings posts gotta be my favourite genre,” while another jokingly commented, “What is this teenage angst?”

This isn’t the first time Kashyap has utilized social media to share enigmatic messages. A few months ago, he expressed his frustration with unsolicited meetings from aspiring filmmakers in a similar cryptic post. Kashyap stated his disappointment with frequently encountering unpromising ideas and announced a fee structure for meetings to manage his time more effectively.


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