With Allu Arjun making constant court appearances in relation to the Sandhya theatre stampede case during the release of Pushpa 2 – The Rule, the actor has now asserted that he would soon be making a visit to the hospital to meet one of the victims – an injured boy, who is quite critical. However, while his statement has been hailed by fans of the Telugu superstar, the court has issued a notice requesting him to keep this visit confidential, in order to avoid any such chaos in the future.

Journalist Manobala took to social media platform X aka Twitter, to share a photo of the notice that read, “This is to inform you that the Ramgopalpet and North Zone Police had made all arrangements for your visit to KIMS Hospital, Secunderabad, at 10:30 AM on 05/01/2025, after receiving information that you would be complying with the conditions set by the police to maintain public order inside and outside the premises. At the last minute, we received information from your manager that you are canceling your visit to see the minor stampede victim who is under treatment at KIMS, along with his father”.

It went on to say, “This is to reiterate that we are ready to make the necessary arrangements for your visit to see the minor victim at KIMS, Secunderabad, within the space of an hour. We request you to keep the visit confidential so that public order can be maintained in and around the hospital. Ramgopalpet Police will escort you throughout the trip and ensure that peace is maintained.”

About the controversy

Allu Arjun has faced severe backlash for his appearance during the screening of Pushpa 2 – The Rule at the Sandhya theater in Hyderabad, which allegedly instigated a stampede that resulted in the tragic death of a woman and the critical injury of her son. Consequently, the Telugu superstar has been arrested in connection with the incident. Currently, the eight-year-old victim is receiving treatment at KIMS hospital. Earlier, Allu Arjun expressed his desire to meet the boy, but it was reported that his legal team advised him against doing so.


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