The reports of an attack on Saif Ali Khan inside his home by an alleged burglar sent shock waves across the industry. Reportedly, the burglar stabbed Saif Ali Khan using a sharp knife, leaving him severely injured. The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital and was provided with immediate treatment. Since morning, there have been a lot of reports and speculations around the case. Kareena Kapoor Khan has now shared her first statement after the shocking incident that took place inside their house in Bandra in the wee hours of Thursday.
On Instagram, Kareena Kapoor Khan shared a note stating that it has been a challenging day for the family and everyone is still trying to process the events that have unfolded. She further requested the media and fans to refrain from indulging in speculation and relentless coverage. She asked everyone to provide the family with the needed space to heal and cope from the incident. She also mentioned that the attention is not just overwhelming but is also posing a risk to their safety.
Earlier, the CCTV footage of the alleged burglar went viral on social media. The investigation is on and an FIR has been reportedly lodged in the case. The staff members of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s home have recorded their statements. Reports state that the burglar reportedly entered Saif and Kareena’s son Jeh’s room and even demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore. When the staff alerted everyone, Saif Ali Khan got into a scuffle with the burglar in order to save everyone. He reportedly suffered a major spinal cord injury due to the same.