Pooja Hegde, known for her work across Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi films, recently spoke about balancing both South cinema and Bollywood. She shared that she enjoys “jumping between two things.”
Pooja told ANI, “Some days it is, I mean, the traveling part. I have to travel, so I always like jumping between two things. But also, for example, when I was shooting for Deva, I was also shooting for my film Retro, and they both are really different characters. So being able to snap out of one and go back into the other, balancing everything together, is challenging.”
The Retro actress also shared that she chooses her projects based on the quality of the work rather than the language of the film.
She added, “I have always gone with what the work is, and where I feel my role is good or if the film is good. I think that is more important to me than the language. I think if the work is good, it will reach people.”
Pooja Hegde will next be seen in Deva, where she plays an investigative journalist opposite Shahid Kapoor. The makers unveiled the trailer earlier this month at a grand event in Mumbai. In the trailer, the Kaminey actor returns to the action genre, portraying a fearless cop who walks the thin line between justice and rebellion.