THE LEGEND OF HANUMAN has just premiered globally as the first original animated series by Hotstar, India’s largest premium streaming platform. Now streaming in North America, the unseen story of His journey from mighty warrior to beloved God is also the first 3D animation series done at this quality to redefine Indian animation as a medium of great storytelling for audiences far beyond just kids. This 13-episode series is available to watch today in 7 languages (Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali, Malayalam and Kannada) with English subtitles and streams exclusively on Hotstar.
Produced by Graphic India and created by Sharad Devarajan, Jeevan J. Kang and Charuvi P. Singhal, the mythological animation series has been designed using superior quality visuals mounted on a global scale, previously never seen before in India. The series has been directed by Jeevan J. Kang and Navin John, with lead writers Sharad Devarajan, Sarwat Chaddha, Ashwin Pande and Arshad Syed and chronicles the perpetual war between the forces of good and evil; and how the immortal Hanuman became the ever-burning beacon of hope amidst the harrowing darkness. THE LEGEND OF HANUMAN brings forth the power of great storytelling combining mythology with the use of easy-to-understand words and phrases, that make it an ideal watch for adults, children and families alike.
Sharad Devarajan, Co-founder at Graphic India said, “For the first time, the grandeur of the epic world of Hanuman and the mythical beings of Gods, demons, forest creatures, spirits and anthropomorphic clans, will be visualized through high quality animation, creating an animated event that we hope will transcend ages and speak to all generations who have held this hero in our hearts. We are honored and humbled to work with the amazing team at Disney+ Hotstar to make this dream project a reality.”
Watch the action-packed new trailer for THE LEGEND OF HANUMAN here:
Watch Episode 1 for free on Hotstar using this link: