Tanushree Dutta, who had taken a sabbatical from B-town, returned to the industry with a bang when she accused some renowned names from the industry of sexual misconduct, kicking off a series of events leading to many joining the #MeToo movement. Although Dutta has been around ever since, she has not been a part of projects in Bollywood. Recently after being in the news for escaping an accident, the actress has once again sparked a conversation on social media where she accused some unnamed people of sabotaging, targeting and harassing her.

Tanushree Dutta claims to be ‘targeted’ and ‘harassed’ by old mafia, political circuit, and anti-national criminal elements

In a recent post shared by Tanushree Dutta, the actress claimed that she is being pushed to commit suicide as someone is trying to sabotage her career while she is attempting to find work. She wrote, “I’m being harassed & targeted very badly. Please someone do something!! First it was my bollywood work being sabotaged last one year, then a maid was planted to douse my drinking water with medications & steroids which caused all kinds of severe health problems, then when I escaped to Ujjain in May my vehicle brakes tampered twice & accident. I barely escaped death & returned mumbai after 40 days to resume normal life & work. Now strange disgusting stuff in my building outside my flat.”

She continued the post adding, “I’m not going to commit suicide for sure yeh kaan kholkar sun lo sab log!! Nor am I leaving & going anywhere. I’m here to stay & resurrect my public career to greater heights than ever before! The Bollywood Mafia, the old political circuit of Maharashtra ( which still has influence here) and nefarious anti – national criminal elements together usually operate like this to trouble people. I’m very sure the #metoo culprits & the NGO who I exposed are behind all this because why else would I be targeted & harassed like this?? Shame on you all! Shame on you! I know a lot of people will try to dismiss me but I’ve been posting updates on insta for a long time. It’s severe mental, physical & psychological harassment. What kind of place is this where young boys & girls can just be harassed and killed for standing against injustice??”

“I wish presidents rule & military rule to be established in Maharashtra & central govt exerting total controle over ground level matters too. Things are really going out of hand here. Regular folks like me are suffering. Something drastic has to happen here. Today it’s me tomorrow it can be you also. I think me discussing some topics on my instagram lately has really rubbed off some people the wrong way. All the rumors must be true if someone like me who is not even connected to stuff is being targeted like this. I will deepen my spiritual sadhana more despite all this & strengthen my spirit furthur. I also really want to focus on the new business/ work opportunities im getting and start fresh in life. No law and order in this city anymore! Used to be a safe haven always for artists & single women. Hey Krishna! Brother help me ????” she concluded.


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